How Long Bonsai Trees Live (& How To Make Them Live Longer)

Bonsai Tree Trunk Rings

Bonsai trees are well known for having extremely long lifespans, but how long can you expect your new plant to live?

Today, we’ll explain the factors that affect the health of a bonsai tree and give you some tips to help your bonsai live as long as possible.

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Why Your Bonsai Is Dying (And How To Save It)

Branches of a dead bonsai tree

When your bonsai is dying, it’s easy to think there’s nothing you can do and simply give up. However, it’s possible to revive most dying bonsai trees in a few simple steps!

Read on to discover the main reasons behind dying bonsai plants and how you can save your tree today.

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Are Bonsai Trees Good Luck? (Or Bad Feng Shui?)

Many people don’t stop to think about what bonsai trees represent, which we believe is a shame!

Today, we’ll explain the bonsai tree’s relation to luck and the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. By understanding these ideas, you’ll be able to get the most out of your bonsai tree.

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